You must have seen or know about a plenty of secure USB drives, but the Personal Pocket Safe has to be the ultimate in the security.

Its manufacturer, CHDT Corp. calls it the first "encrypted, epoxy coated, pin-protected smart drive." It comes with the expected security features, such as military-grade encryption, safekeeping of passwords and other sensitive info and a track-covering feature that makes sure no one can trace its presence once it's removed from a system.
Measuring less than 3 inches, the Personal Pocket Safe™ is convenient for travel and easy to store. The functionality and security features of the Personal Pocket Safe include:
• A pin (4 to 10 digits) that prevents unauthorized users from accessing stored data.
• Military grade encryption and storage of confidential documents, from insurance policies and contracts to heirloom photos and other irreplaceable items
• Digital compartmentalization of up to 70 years of bills and bank statements*, health records, and scanned copies of important documents such as licenses, permits, birth certificates, etc.
• Customizable reminders
• Untraceable when removed from a PC or laptop
• Automatic "lock out" technology that shuts down the device to deter hackers.