The iH69 iPod Computer Speaker System with Computer Sync, in addition to being compact is a versatile solution for all your audio needs. It docks, charges, plays and syncs your iPod and computer audio (or any other audio source for that matter) and sounds as great as some of the larger computer speaker out there in the market.
These 20-watt, 2.5-inch are being marketed as a clutter-reducing sound solution. The iH69 also has a remote control and is expected to hit the stores in June.
No prices have been announced yet.
Can I connect my iPod to the Logitech Z-2300 speakers?
I'm going to be buying speakers soon [Logitech Z-2300] and I want to know if I can connect my iPod to the system so the speakers can play song right from my iPod.
If, no then i would go with iH69.
Plz Reply
I want to buy a house in Costa Rica, because I like the climate there. For me costa rica investment opportunities is the best option for me. I just imagine a tropical day where I can make a lot of parties all the time. I am interested to buy a big speakers and to put loud music.
Wow. I think this is what my cousin talked about. Nice speakers.
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